Do not sell my Personal Information

The brand of NATIVE DIGITAL TALENT LTD (10448016)

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The information below is presented in accordance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and intended for website users located in California, United States, and other users to whom the CCPA applies (CCPA users).

Do Not Sell My Personal Information

At TheFirstLifeStyle, we value the trust you place in us and take your privacy very seriously. We wish to reassure you that we do not ‘sell’ our users’ personal information to third-party entities.

We share specific data with selected service providers with the aim of enhancing the services we provide to our users. This data sharing aligns with the service provider exception in the ‘do-not-sell’ provisions of the CCPA, as explicitly stated in our Privacy Policy.

Our Privacy Policy also provides detailed information about the types of cookies and other tracking mechanisms we use on our website, and how users can opt-out if they choose to do so.

In addition to the rights you have according to our Privacy Policy, CCPA users may contact us at [email protected] with specific requests about how we handle their personal information. Please specify which of the following actions you would like us to take regarding your personal information:

1. I do not have a TheFirstLifeStyle account – Please remove my personal information from e-marketing lists and survey databases.

2. I have a TheFirstLifeStyle account – Please retain my account but remove my personal information from e-marketing lists and survey databases.

3. I have a TheFirstLifeStyle account – Please delete my account and remove my personal information from e-marketing lists and survey databases.

Should you have any questions or need further clarification regarding TheFirstLifeStyle‘s compliance with the CCPA, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

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